DONATE by sending a check to: Headwaters Master Gardeners, P.O. Box 662, Lakemont, GA 30552
Shiitake mushrooms were the topic of the day at the recent Headwaters Master Gardeners sponsored workshop at Victory Home Greenhouse in Tallulah Falls. Participants “adopted” a white oak log, drilled holes, inoculated each hole with Shitake mycelium and sealed them with parafin. Aftercare instructions and the logs then went to their new homes with their happy owners. For more information on our group visit
In addition to gardening projects, the Headwaters Master Gardener group also sponsors student scholarships in area communities. The group awarded three $500 scholarships in May 2021 to high school graduates in Habersham, White and Rabun Counties. The scholarships are awarded to a student interested in studying in an area connected to horticulture. A scholarship was also awarded to a high school graduate who participated in 4-H in the tri-county area. Continue reading here…
Well that darn little virus has put a crimp in many community activities and it’s no different for our Headwater Master Gardener Group.
Although we haven’t as a group in a while, know that our members remain active!
• The Board has been meeting regularly via Zoom
• The entire group has resumed monthly meetings via Zoom (3rd Thursday of every month at 9:45 am)
•. Members are still involved in community projects - see the Projects tab on this site for stories and pics
• Members remain active by contributing updates to the website and our Facebook page with book reviews, projects, and articles of interest to gardeners.
• Big plans are being made for all our tri-county (Habersham, Rabun and White) projects including greenhouses, plant sales, special gardens, Habitat Home Gardens and so much more.
At the January 2021 Zoom meeting of the Headwaters Master Gardeners volunteers for Rabun, Habersham and White Counties, new officers were installed. Featured is President Janet Martin, left. Top row: Cissy Belson, VP; Helen Neinast, Treasurer. Bottom row, Holly Sparrow, Secretary; Mary Clement, Past President. Thanks to our new officers for their service.
For more info on MG Quilting Workshop on August 23rd visit
Monthly TIPS
Snips and Tips from the September Garden
Fall is just around the corner. The first day of autumn or the autumnal equinox arrives on Saturday, September 23, marking the first official day of fall. The change of seasons doesn’t mean that gardening chores stop; it just means time to change the focus:
· Start clean-up in the flower beds
· Stop pruning and fertilizing
· Deadhead Shasta daisies and roses; remove spent annuals and other plants that have finished blooming or showing disease
· Divide and move perennials
· Take cuttings to overwinter indoors
· Begin collecting seeds for next year’s plantings
· Start planting of spring bulbs; wait until soil temperature is 60◦ or below
· Plant trees and shrubs toward end of month; be sure to keep them well-watered
· Pick herbs for drying or freezing
· Gather remaining vegetables from the garden
· Plant cool weather vegetables - broccoli, collards and cabbage plants
· Time for the first application of fertilizer on fescue grass; this cool season turf needs fertilizer in September, November, February and April
· Replenish or add mulch to control weeds and protect plants as the weather cools
· Begin adding leaves and other materials to the compost pile
· Be sure to check those patio plants for insects before bringing those plants indoors
· Enjoy the cooler weather and the beginnings of autumn!
Kathy Booker, GMGEV, Rabun County
Snips and tips from the august garden
It’s a hot month! Here are some garden tips and tasks for those sizzling summer days of August:
· Gather herbs and flowers for drying and preserving in the midmorning after the dew has dried – herbs are often at their peak for drying when they begin to flower.
· Collect cuttings for new plants – focus on stem cuttings from herbaceous, hardwood, and semi-hardwood shrubs and climbers.
· Prepare garden beds for fall plantings by cleaning out weeds and cutting back overgrown plants.
· Work early morning shifts before it becomes too hot. Be sure to stay well hydrated.
· Remove dead limbs and branches from trees and shrubs. Prune trunk suckers.
· Keep deadheading spent blooms unless planning to collect seeds.
· Refresh mulch as needed – keep soil covered to help discourage new weed growth.
· Remove any diseased foliage now. Dispose of diseased plants in the garbage or burn them. Don't put them in the compost pile.
· Continue to provide moisture locally to the base of plants - avoid surface watering which encourages plant roots to come to the surface. Vegetable gardens, most flowering plants, and the lawn all need about one inch of water every week to keep them looking healthy and productive.
· Still time to plant quick growing plants such as herbs, cilantro, Swiss chard, lettuce , spinach, and endive.
· Enjoy the variety of vegetable harvest from the home or community garden.
· Order spring bulbs now for the best selection – most companies deliver them at the appropriate time for fall planting.
· Visit your local library – get a good book to read while the temperatures and humidity are high.
· Share the garden production!
Kathy Booker, GMGEV – Rabun County
Snips and tips from the JULY garden
Summertime is definitely here! Plantings are pretty much done, and the main objective now is to keep everything healthy. The weather is hot, so July is all about the garden (flower and vegetable) maintenance – irrigation, weed suppression, staking, pest control, dead-heading, and enjoying the finished product!
· Water, or the lack thereof, is the most challenging task in keeping plants nourished and looking good during the hot days of summer. Rain may be scarce, but the need for water is plentiful. The best time to water plants is in the early morning unless you’re using a drip method.
· Keep weeds under control: they utilize water and take up nutrients. Establish a weed removal routine. Weed, weed, weed!
· Stake and tie - keep an eye out for plants that become leggy and droop. Provide supports to keep flowers and fruit off the ground.
· Pest surveillance – note that aphids, leaf miners, spider mites, whiteflies, black spot, Botrytis Blight, and beetles may appear. Check with the UGA Extension Service for the best control method to use for each.
· Deadheading is a task that must be done regularly throughout the growing season. It is nothing more than removing dead or spent flowers from the plant. It will make the plant neater, encourage more flower buds, help plants conserve energy, and prevent seed formation.
· Begin planning for the fall garden.
· Take a bite of a juicy tomato or blackberry or pick a lovely rose. You’ll remember why you are into gardening!
· Get a cold drink and head for the hammock. Enjoy those “hazy, lazy, crazy days of summer – you’ll wish that summer could always be here”.
Kathy Booker
Garden tour
Members of the Headwaters Master Gardener group enjoyed a real treat on June 20th holding their monthly meeting at the home of member Laura W. The tour of the historic home and expansive gardens was educational and enjoyable. Thanks Laura for hosting us!
White County Farmer’s Market
Fresh produce plus handmade crafts and other treats available every Saturday morning at White County Farmer’s Market, Freedom Park in Cleveland, GA. 7:30 am till Noon (or until sell out). Headwaters Master Gardeners (projects and gardeners in Habersham, Rabun and White counties) support this effort as a community service project and are on hand to answer your gardening questions and provide info sheets on gardening projects.