Did you know that gardening is good for your health?  According to research, gardening is one of the best things you can do for yourself, and you’ll reap many benefits from it.   Enjoying the arrival of spring and being outside is just a part of what happens to our mind, body and spirit as we embrace the new life of the season.

So, get those work clothes, hat and gloves on . . . let’s head for the garden!  Here are some of the benefits:

·        Gardening provides great exercise – improves flexibility, coordination, cardiovascular health, and general physical wellness.

·        Pain reduction – helps you think more about tasks and less about physical aches.  Being constructive helps reduce stress and promote relaxation.  It can also help build body strength.

·        According to 2016 Science Daily research, growing flowers and vegetables can actually enhance brain volume and reduce the risk of Alzheimer’s disease by 50%.  You are using your brain to plan and maintain the garden. 

·        Studies also show that gardening can reduce heart attack and stroke risk and help maintain a healthy weight.

·        Exposure to Vitamin D increases your calcium levels, benefiting your bones and immune system.  Get a daily dose of sunshine while enjoying the connection with nature!

·        Gardening can lessen depression and acts as a mood elevator by improving coping responses to stress and reducing anxiety.  It also improves overall mental health because you are doing something you enjoy.

·        Your diet gets a boost – if you grow it, you will be more inclined to eat it.  You can plant, grow and harvest salad-makings right outside your door!

·        Gardening soothes the soul.

·        Sleep comes easier – regular exercise promotes healthy sleep habits.

·        Meet your neighbors – gardening creates social opportunities for the gardener and the observers.

It’s time to head outside and reap the benefits of connecting with nature – earth, sun, wind, rain.  Enjoy what Mother Nature has to offer while improving your overall physical, mental, social, and spiritual health.     Kathy Booker